REITZ,D., Sachsen, Deutschland und Europa im Zeitalter der Weltkriege. Berlin 20


REITZ, Dirk, Hendrik THOß (Hrsg.),

Sachsen, Deutschland und Europa im Zeitalter der Weltkriege. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2019.

16 x 23 cm. X, 371 S. Frontispiz, 2 Tab., 34 Abb. (darunter 9 farbige); X, 371 S., 34 schw.-w. Abb., 9 farb. Abb., 2 schw.-w. Tab. (Chemnitzer Europastudien, 22). ISBN 9783428154937.

Hendrik Thoß studied 1993–1999 and received his DPhil in 2002; 2000 he joined the History Department at the Chemnitz Technical University and serves at the chair of European History.

Dirk Reitz studied History, Political Science and Law at the universities of Mainz, Münster and Darmstadt and concluded his studies at the latter in 2001 with an MA. He completed his doctorate there in 2004 under Professor Natalie Fryde with a dissertation on »The Crusades of King Louis IX of France«. He was active at the TU Darmstadt between 2001 and 2011 at the Chair of Medieval History although also in military history throughout the epochs. He held a lecturing post at the TU Chemnitz at which he is engaged on a Habilitation under Professor Frank Lothar Kroll on the subject of »European Peace Treaties between 1815 and 1919: the transition from Equality of Interests to Questions of Guilt«.

Bestellnummer: 4774VB

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