KARMANN,S., Die Ordonnance de la marine und die französische Versicherungspraxis
Die Ordonnance de la marine und die französische Versicherungspraxis. Die Entwicklung des Versicherungsvertragsrechts in Frankreich vom Guidon de la mer bis zum Code de commerce. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2021.
16 x 23 cm. 346 S. 1 Abb.; 346 S., 1 schw.-w. Abb. (Comparative Studies in the History of Insurance Law – Studien zur vergleichenden Geschichte des Versicherungsrechts, 9). ISBN 9783428181575.
Silvia Kristin Karmann began studying law at the University of Augsburg in 2009 and passed the Referendar Exam in 2014. After the legal clerkship in the District of the Higher Regional Court of Munich she graduated with the Assessor Exam in 2016. From 2016 to 2020 she worked as a Research Assistant at the chairs of Prof. Dr. Phillip Hellwege M.Jur. (Oxford) and Prof. Dr. iur. utr. Christoph Becker at the University of Augsburg. During the same time, she wrote her dissertation in the ERC-funded project CHILE under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Phillip Hellwege. Since October 2020 Silvia Kristin Karmann is an Associate at Baker & McKenzie, Munich.
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