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NEITMANN,K., Vom ein- zum mehrkonfessionellen Landesstaat. Berlin 2021.


NEITMANN, Klaus (Hrsg.),

Vom ein- zum mehrkonfessionellen Landesstaat. Die Religionsfrage in den brandenburg-preußischen Territorien vom 16. bis zum frühen 18. Jahrhundert. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2021.

16 x 23 cm. 460 S. 2 Abb.; 460 S., 2 schw.-w. Abb. (Forschungen zur Brandenburgischen und Preußischen Geschichte. N. F. Beihefte, 16). ISBN 9783428181742.

Klaus Neitmann studied history in Göttingen and was later instructed as an archivist. After his years at the »Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz« (Secret States Archive of Prussian cultural heritage) in Berlin he was appointed director of the »Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv« (State Archive of Brandenburg) in Potsdam in 1993 and managed it till 2020. Because of his continuous lectures at the university of Potsdam he war there appointed to an extraordinary professor in 2014. His many publications concern archival subjects and the history of the German territories, especially the history of Brandenburg-Prussia in the medieval and in the early modern centuries. He is editor of several historical journals.

Bestellnummer: 5124VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 129,90