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BONFIELD,L., Marriage, Property and Succession. Berlin 1992.


BONFIELD, Lloyd (Hrsg.),

Marriage, Property and Succession. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 1992.

16 x 23 cm. 367 S. (Comparative Studies in Continental and Anglo-American Legal History, 10). ISBN 9783428073696.

Inhalt: P. Godding, Le Droit au Service du Patrimoine Familial: les Pays-Bas Méridionaux – R. Feenstra, Family, Property and Succession in the Province of Holland during the Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries – M. Bellomo, La Struttura Patrimoniale della Famiglia Italiana nel Tardo Medioevo – A. Romano, Successioni e difesa del patriomonio familiae nel Regno di Sicilia – M. C. Zorzoli, Della Famiglia e del Suo Patrimonio: Riflessioni sull’uso del Fedecommesso in Lombardia tra Cinque e Seicento – B. Clavero, Favor Maioratus, Usus Hispaniae: Moralidad de Linaje entre Castilla y Europa – M. Petitjean, Eléments d’une Politique Patrimoniale de l’Aristocratie à Travers l’Example Bourguignon – L. Bonfield, Property Settlements on Marriage in England from the Anglo-Saxons to the Mid-Eighteenth Century – R. H. Helmholz, The English Law of Wills and the „Ius Commune“ – M. M. Sheehan, The Bequest of Land in England in the High Middle Ages: Testaments and the Law – C. Donahue, Jr., English and French Marriage Cases in the Later Middle Ages: Might the Difference be Explained by Differences in the Property Systems?

Bestellnummer: 5285VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 119,90

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