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KARLSSON,M., Recht, Gerechtigkeit und der Staat. Berlin 1993.


KARLSSON, Mikael M., ’Olafur Páll JÓNSSON, Eyja Margrét BRYNJARSDÓTTIR (Hrsg.),

Recht, Gerechtigkeit und der Staat. Studien zu Gerechtigkeit Demokratie, Nationalität, nationalen Staaten und supranationalen Staaten aus der Perspektive der Rechtstheorie, der Sozialphilosophie und der Sozialwissenschaften – Law, Justice, and the State. Studies in Justice, Democracy, Natio. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 1993.

16 x 23 cm. XI, 467 S. XI, 467 S. (Rechtstheorie. Beihefte, 15). ISBN 9783428077922.

Inhalt: A. Ingram, The Empire Strikes Back: Liberal Solidarity in a Europe des Patries – M. Boruck-Arctowa, Unity and Diversity: The Dilemma of the European Community and National Identity – Å. Frändberg, On the Relation Between Law and State – Z. Bankowski, Don’t Think About it: Legalism and Legality – R. Vernengo, Law and Morality: An Analysis of Their Possible Relations – A. de Moor, Contract, Justice and Diversity in the Remaking of Europe – A. Bröstl, Troubles with Law, Justice and Nationalism – J. Bengoetxea, L’état, c’est fini? – A. Allen, Does a Child Have a Right to a Certain Identity? – L. Gianformaggio, Identity, Equality, Similarity and the Law – K. B. Agrawal, The Rule of Law and the Principles of the Welfare State – B.-H. Paik, The Rights of Aliens and Human Rights – J. Elster, The Empirical Study of Justice – P. S. Árdal, Revenge and Punishment: Common Morality and the Law Re-visited, with a Lesson from the Icelandic Sagas – E. Lagerspetz, Democracy and Paradox – R. Martin, Basic Rights – T. Mazzarese, Judicial Implementation of Fundamental Rights: Three Sorts of Problem – J. G. Murphy, Human Decency and the Limitations of Kantianism – J. Sterba, Conceptions of Justice: A Practical Reconcilation – L. D. Eriksson, The Disintegration of the Nation-State – D. Réaume, Moral and Legal Responses to the Multi-cultural, Multi-ethnic State – B. Slattery, Transcending Community: Some Thoughts on Havel and Bergson – M. Troper, Some Thoughts on the Status of the General Theory of the State – J. Bjarup, If you Can’t Join Them, Beat Them: Some Jurisprudential Comments on Denmark’s Position on the Maastricht Treaty – H. Endre, Post-structuralist Values in the Post-unification Era: Colonisation or Synthesis? – V. Petev, A New Concept of Law for Eastern Europe – M. Zirk-Sadowski, The Instrumentalization of Law and Legal Culture in Eastern European Countries – W. Cragg, Philosophy of Punishment and the Problem of Disparities – Y. R. Haragopal Reddy, Prison Justice and the Rights of Prisoners – S. Marshall, Punishing Women: Equal or Different? – U. Narayan, ‚Standard Persons‘ and ‚Non-standard‘ Vulnerabilities: The Legal Protection of Non-standard Interests – Y. Vishnupriya, The Legal Rights of Children – S. Þorgeirsdóttir, Freedom, Community and the Familiy: Feminist Critique, Communitarianism and Liberalism

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