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ROERMUND,B., Law, Life and the Images of Man. Berlin 1996.


ROERMUND, Bert van, Evert van LEEUWEN, Frank FLEERACKERS (Hrsg.),

Law, Life and the Images of Man. Modes of Thought in Modern Legal Theory. Festschrift for Jan M. Broekman. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 1996.

16 x 23 cm. X, 621 S. Frontispiz; X, 621 S. Leinen. ISBN 9783428087655.

Inhalt: E. van Leeuwen, Events and Discourse in Life. Hommage to Jan Broekman – F. Fleerackers, Paradigm of Man in Social Discourses. Intertwinements of Law, Legal Theory and Legal Philosophy – Z. Bankowski, Law, Love and Computers – P. Hooft / J. Zanier, Genetics, Bioethics and Law. On the Frontier Between Science and Philosophy – E.-J. Lampe, The Position of Anthropology of Law Within the Basic Legal Sciences – R. S. Summers, Technology, Law and Values – G. Teubner, The Ultracycle of Juridification: Ecological Recursiveness in Law and Society – J. F. Glastra van Loon, The Metaphysical Foundation of Hans Kelsen’s Legal Theory and the Husteron-Prooteron Fallacy – A. C. ’t Hart, Legibility, Controllability and Legal Protection – S. Jørgensen, Language and Reality – H. Klenner, On the Differentia Specifica of Marx’s Theory of Law – H. Lindahl, Law and Cartesianism – P. Nerhot, The Normal and its Sign – A. L. Palmisano, Sein and Mimesis – H. Parret, The Semiotics of Fictional Similitude – S. L. Paulson, On the Early Development of the Grundnorm – O. Weinberger, Non-Cognitivism and Relativism Reconsidered. Action-Theoretical and Political Implications – R. J. M. Dillmann, Professional Ethics and Institutionalized Health Care – L. Feenstra, An Academic Medical Department. Ducks and Drakes – H. Feldmann, Schizophrenic Delusion as Trans-Subjective Practice. Towards an Anthropological Aspect of Psychotic Alienation – L. J. G. Gooren / C. D. Doorn, Who Determines Manhood or Womanhood? The Biomedical and Legal Definitions of Man and Woman in Relation to Transsexualism – F. Lolas-Stepke, Juris-Diction and Contra-Diction. On the Discourse of Scientific and Professional Communities – H. Müller-Suur, Belief, Delusion and Reality – D. Palazzo, Man, Law and Medicine – D. C. Thomasma, Quality of Life of the Elderly as a Moral Category – R. Foqué, Legal Subjectivity and Legal Relation. Language and Conceptualization in the Law – W. Paul, Natural Man in Brazilian Law – V. Petev, How to Justify Individual Rights – M. B. Ramose, Enter the Individual Exit Freedom – W. Sadurski, The Paradox of Toleration – D. Kennedy, Receiving the International – K. Lenaerts, Is the European Union Federal? – N. MacCormick, The Maastricht-Urteil: Sovereignty Now – B. van Roermund, We, Europeans. On the Very Idea of a Common Market in European Community Law – T. Vandevelde, Appropriation and the Sovereignty of Money – A. Berten / J. Lenoble, The Rationality of Law and the Dynamic of Reason – W. Krawietz, On How to Accept a Legal Norm or Legal Order and Different Rules of Recognition. Is a Reasonable Argumentation Legally Rational? – P. Legendre, Artiste de la Raison. Remarques sur la Fonction Structurale du Juriste – M. Moors, The Type of the Moral Law. Kant on Lawfulness in Nature, Legality and Morality – A. Soeteman, Legal Moralism in Liberal Communities – R. J. Vernengo, Moral Rules and their Creation

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