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Die thematische Bandbreite meines Antiquariats umfasst die Geschichte und Landeskunde von der Antike bis zur aktuellen Zeitgeschichte, die Vielfalt der Rechtswissenschaft und Rechtsgeschichte, der Politikwissenschaft und politischen Ideengeschichte, der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, der Soziologie, Sozialphilosophie und Wissenschaftsgeschichte.

KRAWIETZ,W., On Different Legal Cultures, Premodern and Modern States and the Tr


KRAWIETZ, Werner, Csaba VARGA (Hrsg.),

On Different Legal Cultures, Premodern and Modern States and the Transition to the Rule of Law in Western and Eastern Europe. II. SONDERHEFT UNGARN. Zeitschrift Rechtstheorie, 33. Band (2002), Heft 2-4 (S. 141–531). 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2003.

16 x 23 cm. XXI, 393 S. Abb.; XXI, 393 S. (Rechtstheorie. Sonderhefte). ISBN 9783428101443.

Inhalt: W. Krawietz, Editorial: Konflikt verschiedenartiger Rechtskulturen oder universales Rechtssystem: Auf dem Wege zu einem Kerneuropa? – I. Traditional References to Normative Meaning, Political and Cultural Identity, and Legal Diversity: M. Bódig, Legislation and the Limits of Law – D. H. M. Meuwissen, Human Rights and Freedom – J. Szabadfalvi, Transition and Tradition. Can Hungarian Traditions of Legal Philosophy Contribute to Legal Transition? – I. H. Szilágyi, Let Us Invent Hungarian Legal Anthropology – M. Van Hoecke, Western and Non-Western Legal Cultures – II. Democracy and the Rise of Modern Law States (Rule of Law) – Normative Beliefs and Reality Constructions in Transition: A. Calsamiglia, Transition to Democracy: Spain 1975-1978 – S. V. Polenina, Zur Frage der Rechtsstaatlichkeit in der heutigen Russischen Föderation – N. H. M. Roos, Deficit of Democracy or Democratic Deficit? Transition to, in and from Democracy in Europe – M. Szabó, Transition into the Rule of Law. Deconstruction, Reconstruction, Construction – III. Normative Communication, Social Systems Approach to Law and Economics, and the Rule of Law: C. P. Ball, The Intertwinement of Legal and Economic Systems in Transition – W. Krawietz, Taking State, Associations and Associational Method Seriously – On Withering Away of the Nation State and Beyond – A. Visegrády, Rule of Law and Efficiency of the Legal System – Á. Zsidai, Minerva’s Wingless Owl. Thoughts about the Transparency Investigation in Hungary and the Change of Function of the Historical Office – IV. On Recent Constitutionalism, Conflicting Conceptions of Legal Order and Societal Sources of Law: T. Gyôrfi, The Constitutional Limits of Legislative Power – F. Hörcher, The Question of the Limitation of the State by the Law. A Comparison of Kelsen’s and Hayek’s Approach – P. De Lora, Two Dogmas of Constitutionalism: Constitutional Rights and Judicial Review – P. Szilágyi, The System of Sources of Law and the Rule of Law in the Flow of the Change of Regimes – V. Translation and Transformation of Rights, Legal Transplants and Transition in Advanced and Follower Societies: N. G. Intzessiloglou, The DIAS Proposal: A Research Program Conceiving Law as on Open Social System – I. H. Szilágyi / S. Loss, Opening Scissors. The Legal Status of the Gypsy Minority in Nowadays Hungary – S. Urbina, Some Conisderations about the Rule of Law – C. Varga, Legal Scholarship at the Threshold of a New Millennium

Bestellnummer: 5463VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 139,90

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