KIEWELER,F., Zur Dichotomie des Streitgegenstands im österreichischen Zivilproze


KIEWELER, Friedrich Jan,

Zur Dichotomie des Streitgegenstands im österreichischen Zivilprozess. Eine Gegenüberstellung der nationalen Streitgegenstandslehre und der Kernpunkttheorie des EuZVR. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2021.

16 x 23 cm. 390 S. (Schriften zum Internationalen Recht, 231). ISBN 9783428183371.

Friedrich Kieweler studied law at the University of Vienna (Mag.iur. 2010, Dr.iur. 2020) and business administration at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (BSc. 2016). From 2011 till 2019 he worked as a university assistant at the Research Institute of Law Development at the University of Vienna. Since 2019, he has been employed as an associate with renowned Viennese law firms. His practice areas include arbitration, civil litigation and enforcement, as well as commercial and distribution law. As a one-year volunteer, he completed infantry officer training and is still active as a militia officer (rank: First Lieutenant) in the Austrian Armed Forces.

Bestellnummer: 6303VB

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