The small series “AVKB-Edition” will additionally bring together some texts, monographs and bibliographies that are out of print or difficult to access and make them available as reprints in hardback book form.

My offer is intended to appeal to scholars and lawyers as well as laymen interested in science. It is intended to be an attractive contact point for academic libraries as well as for passionate private collectors and bibliophiles.

HIRSCHELMANN,M., Die Verunstaltung des Orts- und Landschaftsbildes im Sinne des



Die Verunstaltung des Orts- und Landschaftsbildes im Sinne des § 35 Abs. 3 Satz 1 Nr. 5 BauGB und ihre verfassungsrechtlichen Bezüge zur Kunst- und Glaubensfreiheit. Mit einem Exkurs zur Bedeutung der Glaubensfreiheit im öffentlichen Baurecht. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2021.

16 x 23 cm. 503 S. (Schriften zum Öffentlichen Recht, 1458). ISBN 9783428183630.

Marcel Hirschelmann studied law at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. After successfully completing the second state law examination in the Free State of Bavaria, he began his doctorate at the University of Jena. In 2020 he joined the administration of the state parliament of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania as a consultant.

Order Number: 6309VB

Fixed Retail Price: EUR 109,90

sociology webshop contemporary old book books collect

My offer is intended to appeal to scholars and lawyers as well as laymen interested in science. It is intended to be an attractive contact point for academic libraries as well as for passionate private collectors and bibliophiles.