DEGER,R., Die Verzögerungsbeschwerde und der Entschädigungsanspruch nach §§ 97a
Die Verzögerungsbeschwerde und der Entschädigungsanspruch nach §§ 97a ff. BVerfGG. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2022.
16 x 23 cm. 324 S. 2 Tab.; 324 S., 2 schw.-w. Tab. (Schriften zum Öffentlichen Recht, 1469). ISBN 9783428184446.
Roni Deger studied law in Hanover and graduated in 2018 as the best of his university class. Until mid-2020, he worked alongside his doctorate at the Leibniz Center for Science and Society (LCSS), conducting research on higher education law. After working for an international commercial law firm for about six months, he entered his legal clerkship in the district of the Higher Regional Court of Celle in December 2020.
Bestellnummer: 6321VB
Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 89,90