PLUM,M., Delinquenz und Geldsanktion im Einkommensteuerrecht. Berlin 2018.


PLUM, Marius,

Delinquenz und Geldsanktion im Einkommensteuerrecht. Sanktionsabzugsverbote, Strafverteidigungskosten und Übernahme von Sanktionen durch den Arbeitgeber. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2018.

16 x 23 cm. 398 S. (Schriften zum Steuerrecht, 133). ISBN 9783428155255.

After having finished his legal studies (emphasis on tax and corporate law) with the German »First Law Examination« at the University of Passau in 2013, Marius Plum worked as an scientific assistant at the »Chair of Constitutional, Administrative, Public Finance and Tax Law« and at the »Chair of Criminal Law and Procedure, White-Collar Crime and History of Criminal Law« at the University of Passau until 2016. Afterwards he worked as a scientific assistant in the »Corporate/M&A and Tax« practice group at the office of Hogan Lovells International LLP in Munich. Since October 2017 he is a trainee in the legal clerkship programme within the jurisdiction of the Higher Regional Court of Munich.

Bestellnummer: 7282VB

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