HOFFMANN,D., Koordinierungsmechanismen des deutschen Konzerninsolvenzrechts. Ber



Koordinierungsmechanismen des deutschen Konzerninsolvenzrechts. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2019.

16 x 23 cm. 331 S. (Abhandlungen zum Deutschen und Europäischen Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht, 143). ISBN 9783428155750.

Deniz Hoffmann studied law at the Free University of Berlin from 2002 to 2007. He passed the First State Examination in Law in 2008 and the Second State Examination in Law in 2010 after completing his legal clerkship at the Court of Appeals. After working in tax law departments of international logistics and consulting companies in Frankfurt am Main and Zurich, he worked from 2014 to 2016 as a research assistant at the Institute of Law of the University of Zurich at the chairs of Prof. Dr. Frank Meyer, LL.M. and Prof. Dr. Ulrich Haas. Since 2017 he has been working as a lawyer in Frankfurt am Main mainly focussing on tax law, corporate law and inheritance law.

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