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Die thematische Bandbreite meines Antiquariats umfasst die Geschichte und Landeskunde von der Antike bis zur aktuellen Zeitgeschichte, die Vielfalt der Rechtswissenschaft und Rechtsgeschichte, der Politikwissenschaft und politischen Ideengeschichte, der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, der Soziologie, Sozialphilosophie und Wissenschaftsgeschichte.


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CLARK,D., Comparative and Private International Law. Berlin 1990.


CLARK, David,

Comparative and Private International Law. Essays in Honor of John Henry Merryman on his Seventieth Birthday. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 1990.

16 x 23 cm. XXII, 450 S. XXII, 450 S. ISBN 9783428068388.

Inhalt: M. Cappelletti, In Honor of John Henry Merryman – D. S. Clark, The Idea of the Civil Law Tradition – H. Fix-Zamudio, John Henry Merryman and the Modernization of Comparative Legal Studies – L. M. Friedman, Some Thoughts on Comparative Legal Culture – H. W. Baade, Springs, Creeks, and Groundwater in Nineteenth-Century German Roman-Law Jurisprudence with a Twentieth-Century Postscript – M. Damaška, Atomistic and Holistic Evaluation of Evidence: A Comparative View – L. Favoreu, American and European Models of Constitutional Justice – G. Gorla, Samuel Livermore (1786-1833): An American Forerunner to the Modern »Civil Law-Common Law Dialogue« – C. J. Gutiérrez, La Constitución Norteamericana como Ley Importada en Costa Rica – J. Hellner, Interpretation of Contracts under the Influence of Statutory Law – H. Kötz, Scholarship and the Courts: A Comparative Survey – D. A. Loeber, Latvia’s 1937 Civil Code: A Quest for Cultural Identity – I. Markovits, Socialism and the Rule of Law: Some Speculations and Predictions – B. Nicholas, Certainty of Price – R. P. Perdomo, La justicia penal en la investigación socio-jurídica de América Latina – G. Pugliese, Ius Honorarium and English Equity – D. Tallon, The Notion of Contract: A French Jurist’s Naive Look at Common Law Contract – Y. Taniguchi, Civil Liability of Experts in Court: A Comparative Overview – J. P. Thorens, The Common Law Trust and the Civil Law Lawyer – C. Viladás, Obras de arte y Patrimonio Histórico en España: Una reforma legislativa reciente – G. A. Bermann, EEC Community-Building under the Single European Act – M. Cappelletti, Balance of Powers, Human Rights, and Legal Integration: New Challenges for European Judges – S. Cassese, Toward a European Model of Public Administration – J. A. Jolowicz, Product Liability in the EEC – H. Jokela, Internationalism in Private International Law

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