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Die thematische Bandbreite meines Antiquariats umfasst die Geschichte und Landeskunde von der Antike bis zur aktuellen Zeitgeschichte, die Vielfalt der Rechtswissenschaft und Rechtsgeschichte, der Politikwissenschaft und politischen Ideengeschichte, der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, der Soziologie, Sozialphilosophie und Wissenschaftsgeschichte.


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DAIS,E., Consequences of Modernity in Contemporary Legal Theory. Berlin 1998.


DAIS, Eugene E., Roberta KEVELSON, Jan M. VAN DUNNÉ (Hrsg.),

Consequences of Modernity in Contemporary Legal Theory. Preface by Dieter Wyduckel. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 1998.

16 x 23 cm. XVI, 444 S. XVI, 444 S. (Rechtstheorie. Beihefte, 19). ISBN 9783428092406.

Inhalt: Y. B. Achour, Nature, Raison et Révélation dans la Philosophie du Droit des Auteurs Sunnites – R. Jakob, On Everyday Corruption in Politics. Legal-Psychological Considerations Concerning a Problem of Modern Political Culture – A. Juffras / O. Mohl, Democracy versus Theocracy in Israel – B. M. Leiser, On the Evil Influence Religion Exerts Upon the Law, and the Benign Rule of Custom in Talmudic Jurisprudence – R. C. L. Moffat, Rights and New Fundamentalisms. New Essays in Toleration – J. de Sousa e Brito, Ethics, Democratic Reason and Law – E. Wolgast, Democracy: The Message from Athens – A. J. Bozo De Carmona, Postmodernism, Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Law – M. A. Ciuro Caldani, Iusphilosophical Understanding of Postmodernity (A Trialistic Perspective) – B. J. Edgeworth, Legal Postmodernization – D. Nelken, The Postmodern Frontiers of Law: Regionalism, Globalisation and Crime – O. Weinberger, Information and Human Liberty – S. Andrini, Post-Modernism and Sociological-Juridical Theories – A.-J. Arnaud, Some Challenges to Law Through Post-Modern Thought – S. Castignone / C. Faralli, Legal Realism in Italy – F. Michaut, Deconstruction and Legal Theory – A. S. Neely, Law and the Science of Chaos at the End of the 20th Century and Beyond – M. Parascandola, Singular Probabilistic Causation in the Law – P. Borsellino, La Bioéthique: Un Domaine de Confrontation et d’Opposition entre «Modernité» et «Post-Modernité» – R. A. L. Gambitta, Genetic and Technological Transformations and the Station of the Law – F. Ost, Law, Technology and the Environment: A Challenge to the Great Dichotomies in Western Rationality – J. Räikkä, On Global Environmental Ethics. The Uneasy Case for International Preservation of the Rainforest – J. Dahl Rendtorff, Legislation, Bioethics, Judgement – M. A. Simon, Law, Technology and the Environment – M. Van Hoecke, Men, Nature and World View – C. Wellman, Old Rights and New Medical Technology – W. Capeller, (Dé)Colonisation Culturelle ou »l’Habitude de Singer tout ce qui Est Étranger«: Réflexions sur le Postmodernisme dans un Pays Tropical – M. A. Herrera Zgaib, Typologies of Access to Justice in Colombia (1976-1995) – V. Petev, Shall We Need a New Law for the 21st Century? – L. Villar Borda, New Regional and Territorial Arrangement Policy in Colombia – L. Gianformaggio, Time and Work; Private and Public – M. J. Gunning, In the Right Time. The End of the Woman-Identity in Law or Equality as the Right to Differ – V. Held, Feminist Morality and Rights – B. A. Hocking / A. Smith, Poetic (In)Justice: Women, Relationships and Nervous Shock Law – P. Smith, Motherhood, Equality and Legal Change – A. Zvinkliene, Women’s Rights in Lithuanian Constitution

Bestellnummer: 7866VB

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