FILC,W., Macroeconomic Causes of Unemployment: Diagnosis and Policy Recommendati


FILC, Wolfgang, Claus KÖHLER (Hrsg.),

Macroeconomic Causes of Unemployment: Diagnosis and Policy Recommendations –. Makroökonomische Ursachen der Arbeitslosigkeit: Diagnose und Therapievorschläge. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 1999.

16 x 23 cm. 442 S. Tab., Abb.; 442 S. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung, 36). ISBN 9783428097586.

Inhalt: W. Franz, Macroeconomics and Joblessness: An Introductory Statement – R. Richter, Warum Arbeitslosigkeit? Antworten von Wirtschaftstheoretikern seit Keynes (1936) – J. Priewe, Klassische und keynesianische Arbeitslosigkeit: eine Kritik hybrider Typologien – H.-J. Heinemann, Nationale Beschäftigungspolitik bei globalisierten Märkten? – P. Davidson, Global Macro Policies for Reducing Persistent High Unemployment Rates in OECD Countries – H. Klodt, International Direct Investment: Export of Headquarter Services or Export of Jobs? – A. Juchems / W. Leibfritz, Monetary Conditions and Fiscal Policy. A Comparison over Various Business Cycles and Different Phases of the Business Cycle – P. Winker, Financing Constraints, Output and Employment. Lessons from Theory and Empirical Evidence on the Micro and Macro Level – M. Frömmel / L. Menkhoff, The Informational Efficiency of Financial Markets and Macroeconomic Equilibrium – L. Funk, Labour Market Dynamics in Western Europe and the USA – M. Heise / M. Moersch, Micro and Macro Determinants of Unemployment. A Comparison of Trends in the United States and Germany – A. Heise, Unemployment in Germany and Britain. A Question of Micro-Rigidities or Macro-Obstruction? – D. Hum / W. Simpson / N. Cameron, Reducing Unemployment in an Era of Low Inflationary Expectations to Regain High Employment – A. F. Ott, Effects of a Change in Policy Rules on the Growth of the Economy. Temporary versus Permanent Effects – L. Groot / R. Schettkat, Does Structure jMatter? The Macroeconomics of Unbalanced Growth – E. Nowotny, The Role of Macroeconomic Policy in Overcoming Slow Economic Growth. International Comparisons and Policy Perspectives – C.-L. Holtfrerich, Economic Policy Targeting, Policy Mix and (Un-)Employment – H.-P. Spahn, Central Bankers, Games and Markets. A Critical Assessment of the Microeconomic Optimization Approach in the Theory of Macroeconomic Stabilization – H.-J. Krupp / K. Cabos, The Impact of Monetary Policy on Employment – G. A. Horn, Zur Koordination von Geld- und Lohnpolitik. Eine empirische Analyse für die USA und Deutschland

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