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DELBRÜCK,J., German Yearbook of International Law - Jahrbuch für Internationales


DELBRÜCK, Jost, Rainer HOFMANN, Andreas ZIMMERMANN (Hrsg.),

German Yearbook of International Law – Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht. Vol. 46 (2003). 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2004.

16 x 23 cm. 835 S. (German Yearbook of International Law – Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht, 46). ISBN 9783428115259.

Inhalt: Forum: J. Abr. Frowein, Is Public International Law Dead? – Focus Section: 1973-2003: Thirty Years of German Membership in the United Nations: A. Zimmermann, Introductory Remarks – J. Abr. Frowein, From Two to One: Germany and the United Nations – I. Winkelmann, Germany’s Role in the Security Council of the United Nations. Past and Present Involvement, Future Participation and European Accentuation – T. Stein, German Military Participation in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. Maybe too late, but not too little – R. Uerpmann, Implementation of United Nations Human Rights Law by German Courts – U. Beyerlin / M. Reichard, German Participation in United Nations Environmental Activities: From Stockholm to Johannesburg – W. Weiß, Shift in Paradigm: From the New International Economic Order to the World Trade Organization. Germany’s Contribution to the Development of International Economic Law – K. Schmalenbach, Germany’s Contribution to the Development of International Criminal Law, International Disarmament Law, and the Law of Bioethics – General Articles: C. Heyns / E. Baimu / M. Killander, The African Union – A. Rosas, International Dispute Settlement: EU Practices and Procedures – C. D. Classen, The Draft Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe. A Contribution to the Improvement of Transparency, Proximity, and Efficiency of the European Union – J. Schwind, The Preamble of the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe. A Comment on the Work of the European Convention – M. Uebe, Cyprus in the European Union – G. Pentassuglia, Minority Issues as a Challenge in the European Court of Human Rights. A Comparison with the Case Law of the United Nations Human Rights Committee – S. P. Subedi, The Legal Regime Concerning the Utilization of the Water Resources of the River Ganges Basin – A. Behnsen, The Status of Mercenaries and Other Illegal Combatants Under International Humanitarian Law – V. Klingberg, (Former) Heads of State Before International(ized) Criminal Courts: the Case of Charles Taylor Before the Special Court for Sierra Leone – Reports: J. M. Lemnitzer / P. Wendel, Die Rechtsprechung des Internationalen Gerichtshofes im Jahre 2003 – M. Goedecke, Die Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofes für Menschenrechte im Jahre 2003 – S. Jötten / J. Schütze, Die Rechtsprechung des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofes für das ehemalige Jugoslawien im Jahre 2003 – A. Szodruch / C.-S. Zoellner, Die Rechtsprechung des WTO-Streitbeilegungsgremiums im Jahre 2003 – R. Happ, Awards and Decisions of ICSID Tribunals in 2003 – B. Elberling, Die Tätigkeit der International Law Commission im Jahre 2003

Bestellnummer: 8136VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 179,90

Politikwissenschaft Buchhandlung Buechershop Händler Bücher Schweiz

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