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SCHRAGE,E., Ius quaesitum tertio. Berlin 2008.


SCHRAGE, Eltjo J. H. (Hrsg.),

Ius quaesitum tertio. 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2008.

16 x 23 cm. VI, 433 S. VI, 433 S. (Comparative Studies in Continental and Anglo-American Legal History, 26). ISBN 9783428127207.

Inhalt: D. J. Ibbetson / E. J. H. Schrage, Ius quaesitum tertio. A Comparative and Historical Introduction to the Concept of Third Party Contracts – Sir J. Baker, Privity of Contract in the Common Law before 1680 – J. Hallebeek, Ius Quaesitum Tertio in Medieval Roman Law – H. Dondorp, Ius Quaesitum Tertio in Medieval Canon Law – N. G. Jones, Aspects of Privity in England: Equity to 1680 – L. Waelkens, Ius Quaesitum Tertio, Dutch Influences on Grotius – D. J. Ibbetson / W. Swain, Third Party Beneficiaries in English Law: From Dutton v. Poole to Tweddle v. Atkinson – D. Deroussin, La stipulation pour autrui de l’ancien droit français au XIXème siècle, ou comment se débarrasser d’une tradition gênante – M. Pennitz, Ius quaesitum tertio: German Legal Doctrine and Practice in the 18th and 19th Century – M. J. Schermaier, Contracts for the Benefit of a Third Party in German Law – W. Swain, Third Party Beneficiaries in English Law, 1880-2004 – H. L. MacQueen / W. D. H. Sellar, Scots Law: Ius quaesitum tertio, Promise and Irrevocability – E. du Perron, Third Party Stipulations in Modern Dutch Law – D. Visser / S. Cook, Contracts for the Benefit of Third Parties in South Africa. Investigating an Alternative Approach

Bestellnummer: 8233VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 99,90

Alte Drucke Bibliothek Antiquitäten Buchshop Kunst Wirtschaftswissenschaft

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