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ARNAULD,A., German Yearbook of International Law - Jahrbuch für Internationales


ARNAULD, Andreas von, Nele MATZ-LÜCK, Kerstin von der DECKEN (Hrsg.),

German Yearbook of International Law – Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht. Vol. 61 (2018). 1. Aufl. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2019.

17 x 24 cm. 605 S. (German Yearbook of International Law – Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht, 61). ISBN 9783428158010.


The Trump Administration and International Law

Jack Goldsmith and Shannon Togawa Mercer

International Law and Institutions in the Trump Era


International Health Law

Nele Matz-Lück


Pedro A. Villarreal

Public International Law and Human Health: Bridging Conceptual Gaps Through Governance

Anika Klafki

International Health Regulations and Transmissible Diseases

Valentin Aichele

›Taking out the Magnifier‹: Groups in Vulnerable Situations Under Global Health Law

Silja Vöneky

International Standard Setting in Biomedicine – Foundations and New Challenges

Philippe Cullet and Hu Yuanquiong

Medical Patents and the Right to Health – From Monopoly Control to Open Access Innovation and Provision of Medicines

Walther Schücking Lecture

Christine Chinkin

Women, Peace, and Security: Tackling Violence Against Women in the Contemporary World?


Riccardo Pisillo Mazzeschi

Coordination of Different Principles and Values in International Law

Annalisa Ciampi

The Divide Between Human Rights, International Trade, Investment and Development Law

Patrizia Vigni

State Responsibility for the Destruction of Cultural Property

Viljam Engström

Regulating the Baltic Sea – A Showcase of Normative Pluralism

Katayoun Hosseinnejad

Interpretation in Light of Which ›Object and Purpose‹?

Sophie Papadileris

Protection of Peacekeepers Resorting to Armed Force – A Current Dilemma


Guido Hildner

The Activation of the International Criminal Court’s Jurisdiction over the Crime of Aggression: The Edifice is Completed

Helmut Philipp Aust and Mehrdad Payandeh

German Practice With Regard to the Use of Force in Syria

Sara Jötten and Felix Machts

Ban on Strike Action for Civil Servants is Constitutional: The Judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court of 12 June 2018

Liv Christiansen

Turkish Politicians’ Political Campaigns in Germany – The Legality of Public Appearances Under German Law

Henning Büttner

Much Ado About Nothing vs. the Opening of Pandora’s Box? – Some (Normative) Aspects of the Migration Compact Regarding its Impact on Germany

Maximilian Jacob and Clemens J. Dorsel

The Case of the Lifeline – A German Perspective on the Dilemma of Private Sea Rescuing in the Mediterranean


Andreas von Arnauld, Kerstin von der Decken, and Nele Matz-Lück

Editors’ Note

Stefan Martini

Comparative Constitutional Justice

Andreas Orator

Prospects for and Limits to Establishing Union Agencies

Jochen Rauber

The Changing Structure of International Law as a Change of International Law’s Foundational Principles

Hubertus Reinbach

The Monopoly of Trade Unions in German Strike Law: The Strike Between Constitution and International Law

Philipp Tamme

The Enforcement of EU Law by the European Court of Human Rights: Vicarious Constitutional Jurisdiction for Improving the Protection of Individual Rights

Johann Justus Vasel

The Emancipation of Regional Human Rights Protection Mechanisms

Ferdinand Weber

Nationality and Status: Static and Dynamic in Political Community-Building


Bestellnummer: 8396VB

Gebundener Ladenpreis: EUR 179,90